Saya menginap di Klana Resort Hotel & Spa, Seremban selama 6 hari. Seremban ini berjarak sekitar 20 km dari tempat diadakannya Training, yaitu di Solar Turbine Centre Senawang, Kawasan industri Tuanku Ja'far.
Ini suasana ngabuburit di KLCC
Berikut ini adalah antara lain Silabus dari Materi training Turbotronic 4 Control System Operation (Solar Turbine):
- Control System Overview: Control System Purpose/Function, Control Loop, Control System Configuration, On / Off Skid Control System, Field Instrumentation, Control System Hardware, Control Logix (1756 Chassis), Control Logix Controller, Communication Modules (Control Net, Ethernet/IP Communication, Other Comm. Modules, ControlNet Network, Flex I/O Node Function, Operator interface & HMI, TT4000 Remote, Backup relay System, Programming Terminal.
- Boolean Logic: Binary logic, Noolean Logic Symbol, Turbine Logic Examples.
- Ladder Logic and the Basic Instruction Set, TT4 Logic Structure, Ladder logic Structure, Bit Level and Word Level Instruction, Data Tags, Indicator and Manipulators, Bit Instructions, Compare Instructions, Arithmetic Instructions, Timer & Counter Instructions, Other Common Instructions
- Logic Exercises : Simple Turbine logic, Lube Oil Cooler Logic, Lube Oil Heater logic, Fire Detection Logic, Start Sequence, Ignition Sequence
- Introduction to Software Applications: RSLogix5000, RSNetwork for ControlNet, RSLinx
- TT4 Offline Program Monitoring: Project File Structure, Project Distribution, Offline Program Monitoring
- RSLogix5000 Project Familiarization
- TT4 Program Architecture: Project Organization, Student Exercices, Alarm & Shutdown Logic, Analog Scalling Logic
- Exercises: Modifying the I/O Configurations, Configuring Communications Drivers, Going Online, Configuring the ControlNet using RSNetworx, Introduction to Online Editing, Forcing, Toggling
Saya sendiri mendapatkan nilai Pre Test 64/100 dan Nilai Post Test 100/100.